Welcome to the Interactions View User Guide. This guide will walk you through the various components and functionalities of the Interactions View within the Sedric's app. This view allows you to efficiently monitor your interactions, providing valuable insights for better decision-making. Whether you're new to or a seasoned user, this guide will help you navigate the Interactions View effectively.
Upon logging in to, you will be directed to the Interactions View. This view is designed to provide you with an organized and comprehensive overview of your interactions.
Interaction Information and Metadata
At the top of the Interactions View, you'll find a section dedicated to interaction information (such as Interaction name, Agent name, Client name etc.) and metadata, (such as Interaction ID, Interaction Time Stamp, Phone Number etc.). Metadata can be streamed automatically from your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, or added manually by you. This enriches the interaction with additional contextual information, and allows you to include specific information that may not be available from the CRM
Key Moments
you can read about the Key Moments in this article.
The comments section enables you to include any feedback or remarks about this interaction and the performance of the agent throughout this engagement.
you can read about the scorecard in this article.
Additional Actions and Features
The Open/View Tasks functionality allows you to initiate a manual task or view an existing task, for any interaction under review. You can assign this task to other monitoring agents or even to yourself as needed.
The Attachments feature enables you to upload attachments related to the interaction. This attachment can be easily viewed within the Sedric app while you're monitoring the interaction.
Sharable Link
The Shareable Link function allows you to copy the link to any interaction and easily share it with any Sedric user within your operations.
The translation will take effect on both the transcription and the trackers, as well as on the scorecard. You can activate the translation functionality using the following button.
you can read about the Translation in this article:
You can download an interaction along with its transcription, scorecard, and metadata fields using this button:
you can read about the AI Transcription in this article:
AI Risk Score
you can read about the AI Risk Score in this article:
How Can I add a manual metadata to the interaction?
You can add metadata to the interaction yourself by clicking on the plus sign next to the existing metadata. When you're done, click enter and the metadata will be added.
Is it possible to sort interactions based on different factors?
Absolutely, you have the capability to filter interactions based on a range of criteria. These include Unit, Detection of Trackers, Agent, Client, Duration of Interaction, Review Status, Interaction Date, Interaction ID, and more. Simply click on the "funnel" icon located at the upper left corner, and you'll be able to access and apply the available filters as needed.
One of the interactions was uploaded to the wrong unit, How can I move it?
You can move interactions between units by following these steps:
"Interaction is too big" error
The 'interaction too big' error occurs due to a technical limitation of a 1 MB interaction size. This error occurs on rare occasions, and unfortunately, it is not possible to edit.